Treatment of benign adrenal tumors

Treatment of benign adrenal tumors

The diagnosis of adrenal gland masses has increased in recent times as a result of the increase in CT scans for other reasons.

 Not all of these masses require surgical intervention as long as their size is less than 5 cm  and does not secrete any hormones and does not increase in size with periodic follow-up..

The adrenal gland is part of the endocrine glands that secretes several hormones responsible for controlling the level of blood pressure and sugar in the body. It is also responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulate the proportion of sodium and potassium, and sex hormones..

Most of the adrenal gland tumors are of the benign type. The two adrenal glands are located above the kidneys and are divided anatomically into the cortex and medulla. In each part of them, different tumors arise

Pheochromocytoma which arises in the medulla of theadrenal gland , and the patient   suffers from high blood pressure, headache, sweating, intense fear and increased heartbeat. Do  tests and imaging  to confirm the diagnosis.

The level of blood pressure may be normal  in 90%  of cases  of pheochromocytoma. ) , high blood pressure may cause serious complications such as stroke, heart and kidney failures and eye . complications.

Risk factors for pheochromocytoma include the following :

  1. Most of the cases are in the average age 20 to 50  years
  2. Genetic factors such asMEN type $ which also contain medullary thyroid carcinoma.
  3. Von Hippel disease Lindau
  4. Neurofibromatosis disease .

to confirm the diagnosis:

  • 24 hours urine VMA.
  • Serum adrenaline and nor adrenaline
  • CT or MRI Adrenal Protocol 
  • Genetic tests of hereditary genetic diseases of the patient and the family, such as cases  MEN type 2.

The primary treatment for a pheochromocytoma is surgery to remove the tumor. But before surgery, your doctor will likely prescribe certain blood pressure medications. These medications will  reduce the risk of dangerously high blood pressure during surgery.

Laparoscopic adrenalectomy has  several advantages, including: The amount of blood loss during surgery is less and there is less pain , compared to conventional surgery . In addition, the chances of surgical complications are less with less need for analgesics and blood transfusions after surgery, thus helping patients return to their normal lives faster.

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The patient does not need a long stay in the hospital, so he can be discharged from the hospital one day  after the surgery with nice small scares.

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